Joint Pain Remedies

4 Things You Should Know Before Losing Weight

Okay, you are ready to go on a diet or start a workout session. Maybe you already are on one since starting can be as easy as following a plan from a friend (or from Google 😉).

Here are four things you really should know before you start your journey towards sustained weight management.

1. Am I overweight?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is used in determining if a person is at any health risk due to overweight. You find this by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters) squared. For example, with a weight of 70 kilograms and height of 1.8 meters, BMI equals 21.6. 

Am I overweight

Fewer health risks are associated with a BMI between 18.5 and 25. Conversely, BMI below or above this range poses a health threat. 
You are overweight when your BMI is between 25 and 30, and obese when it is above 30

2. How is fat stored?

Lipids (fats and oils) obtained from food are stored in special body stores called adipose tissues found under the skin, the internal fat pads of the abdomen, the breasts, and others

These are then either used to form important substances (such as thromboplastin needed for blood clotting) or released later when the body needs extra energy. Carbohydrates do provide energy but fat is the body’s most concentrated source of energy.

How is fat stored

When you gain weight, more adipose tissues are formed, resulting in more blood vessels being formed. 
Therefore, an obese person has more blood vessels than the lean person
Do you experience high blood pressure? This may be because your heart has more work to do due to fat.

3. Where is fat stored?

The enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is responsible for moving fat from the blood to body stores. Obese individuals have more of this enzyme and hence are able to store much more fat. 

In women, more of the enzyme is produced in the breasts, hips, and thighs produce abundant LPL which explains why fat is mostly found there (resulting in a pear-shaped body). Men have the enzyme being produced more around the abdomen (resulting in an apple-shaped body).

Where is fat stored

A pear-shaped body has a lower risk of disease than the apple-shaped body.
If you find you have a lot of fat in the abdominal area (visceral fat), you should be worried
because you are at a high risk of hypertension; coronary heart disease; type 2 diabetes; and certain types of cancer.

4. What causes overweight?

There are many reasons for this but the most common cause of overweight is energy imbalance

The amount of energy in a particular food is measured by the calories it has. Your body weight will increase unless you reduce the amount of calories you take. 

What causes overweight

You may say, well you do not eat much, but calories from your food may be adding up gradually.

An intake of 3,500 calories more than the body needs for maintenance and activities will result in a weight gain of 1 pound. This means if you overeat by only 200 calories a day you can gain 20 pounds in one year.

What are you doing to stop calories from adding up in your body?
Another point to note if you are not getting encouraging weight loss results is the set-point theory, which says, when you gain or loss weight, your body adjusts itself to restore the original weight. 
This is why it is so difficult for an underweight person to maintain weight gains and an overweight person to maintain weight losses
However, if weight is gained slowly over time, a new set point can be established and defended.

So the solution is to work harder and do more. Do not give up on your desire to develop the great body. I recommend checking out the best way to lose weight in this post here.

Hard work

Start your weight loss regime today. Try Forever Living. We have nutrition products that will help burn the fat in you asap. We offer free delivery too. Call or WhatsApp (+233) 0548719950 for more information.

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