Joint Pain Remedies

 Someone suffering from wrist pain

Do you or a friend suffer from joint pain? Here are some things you can do for joint pain relief. 
If you have knee injuries, you can try the P.R.I.C.E remedy at home;
  1. Protect the knee from further injury, for example, by taking a break from the activity that caused it.
  2. Rest to reduce the risk of further injury and give tissues time to heal. However, stopping all movement is not advisable, as this can lead to stiffness and, in time, muscle weakness.
  3. Ice to help reduce swelling and inflammation. It should be wrapped in a cloth and applied for 20 minutes several times on the first day of injury. Never put ice directly the skin, as this can lead to further damage.
  4. Compress with a knee support, for example, to increase comfort levels. The support or bandage should be firm but not tight.
  5. Elevate, or keep the leg raised, will encourage circulation and reduce swelling. Ideally, the knee should be above the level of the heart
Try these joint pain remedies anywhere for relief.

The idea is to put as little stress as possible on the joint while allowing the connective tissues to heal.
There are also medication that can be taken for joint wear and tear, damaged cartilage, pain and stiffness such as what you can find at Forever Living Products.

Say bye to joint pain today. Try Forever LivingWe have products that will serve your joints all they need. We offer free delivery too. Call or WhatsApp (+233) 0548719950 for more information.

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